Mobile App Design
FullHarvest is an app specifically catered to those who rely on food banks and other food donation ministries for good, nutritious food because of a low or unsteady income. This includes a wide demographic of people, such as the elderly, young single parents, and immigrants. The range of backgrounds and ages requires something simple to understand and easy to navigate. The primary function of FullHarvest is to allow users the ability to search for and view available food items at their local food banks or food donation services.
The onboarding process introduces the user to the app and helps them become familiar with the interface. This process also gathers optional information to make the experience more personal. Little characters give the app personality and something for users to connect with.
TOOLS USED : Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Every page has a clean and predictable layout with limited amounts of information at a time. Drop shadows and “cards” help to indicate what information is clickable or expandable.

Ingredient cards do not show food exactly as it would appear in the location. This is meant to create a sense of dignity for the user; it shows that what they are taking is not “peasant food.” The recipe cards serve a similar purpose.
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